Online Submission Requirements:


  • The video must be entitled, “Florida Aerial Arts Championship 2023 (insert apparatus, division, and candidate name here)”
  • Video can be uploaded to YouTube, Vimeo, or Facebook, and can be listed privately or publicly (however an unlisted link must be provided with the application if the video is posted privately).
  • Candidates must submit a 2:00 – 3:00 minute long, unedited video of their skills. 
  • There are no required moves that need to be included in the video.

Three points of contact at all times above the bottom bar with exception of mounting the top bar. This can be done with either a pike or a straddle. No cross ankle release on top bar. Under the bottom bar, no foot, neck or heel hangs. (All mounts under bottom bar allowed, and one arm/elbow hangs are permitted).

**Junior and Novice Divisions will include both Semi-Pro and Professional level competitors (should we receive enough applicants to host the division. In the event that we have a large number of athletes in these age groups, they will be divided by Semi-Pro and Professional level based on the submission video content. Judges will be looking at overall performance level, technique, execution, and level of difficulty to determine if the athlete fits into semi-pro or pro division for the age group.)

Lyra Semi-Pro Division

  • The video must be entitled, “Florida Aerial Arts Championship 2023 Lyra Semi-Pro Division (insert candidate name here)”
  • Video can be uploaded to YouTube, Vimeo, or Facebook, and can be listed privately or publicly (however an unlisted link must be provided with the application if the video is posted privately).
  • Candidates must submit a 2:00 – 3:00 minute long, unedited video of their skills with the following moves required:
  • One drop* 
  • Minimum of one type of invert
  • Split
  • Pike Mount**

Three points of contact at all times above the bottom bar with exception of mounting the top bar. This can be done with either a pike or a straddle. Under the bottom bar, no foot, neck, or heel hangs. (All mounts under bottom bar allowed, and one arm/elbow hangs are permitted).

Lyra Pro Division

  • The video must be entitled, “Florida Aerial Arts  Championship 2023 Lyra Pro Division (insert candidate name here)”
  • Video can be uploaded to YouTube, Vimeo, or Facebook, and can be listed privately or publicly (however an unlisted link must be provided with the application if the video is posted privately).
  • Candidates must submit a 3:00 – 4:00 minute long, unedited video of their skills with the following moves required:
  • Two drops* 
  • Minimum of two types of inverts – one with straight legs
  • Split
  • Balance of strength and flexibility

*A drop on lyra is when you cannot control the speed and momentum with your hands or legs. Going from one level of the lyra to the next with momentum. 

**A mount on lyra is considered anything a performer is doing to get inside of the lyra from the floor. An invert is anything done inside or on top of the lyra, once inside/on it where your hips are lifted over the head. 

Competition Round Required Moves 

All candidates must perform a choreographed routine between 2:00 – 4:00 minutes depending on the division. The routine does not have to be the same as the submission video, however, it is acceptable if the performer wants to do the same routine again on stage.

Floor work not to exceed 15% of routine for all divisions.

 Novice A (ages 6 – 9) SONG MAXIMUM 2:00

  • There are no required moves for Novice or Junior divisions.
  • Three points of contact at all times above the bottom bar with exception of mounting the top bar. This can be done with either a pike or a straddle.
  • Under the bottom bar, no foot, neck or heel hangs. (All mounts under bottom bar allowed, and one arm/elbow hangs are permitted).
  • No cross ankle release on top bar

Novice B (ages 10-14) & Junior (ages 15 – 17) SONG MAXIMUM 2:30

  • There are no required moves for Novice or Junior divisions.
  • Three points of contact at all times above the bottom bar with exception of mounting the top bar. This can be done with either a pike or a straddle.
  • Under the bottom bar, no foot, neck or heel hangs. (All mounts under bottom bar allowed, and one arm/elbow hangs are permitted).
  • No cross ankle release on top bar

Lyra Semi-Pro: SONG MAXIMUM 3:30

  1. One drop* 
  2. Minimum of one type of invert
  3. Split
  4. Pike Mount**

Three points of contact at all times above the bottom bar with exception of mounting the top bar. This can be done with either a pike or a straddle. Under the bottom bar, no foot and heel hangs. (All mounts under bottom bar allowed, and one arm/elbow hangs are permitted).

Lyra Pro: SONG MAXIMUM 4:00

  1. Two drops* 
  2. Minimum of two types of inverts – one with straight legs
  3. Split
  4. Balance of strength and flexibility

Questions on acceptable moves or clarification on moves can contact us at any time.